I Voted!

Who knew how tough it would be to squeeze myself into visual range of the iMac’s iSight in my office?! But there’s my sticker! I voted even though I wasn’t on their stupid lists this morning. I had to have some frazzled poll worker call the Cambridge Election Commission to confirm that I was registered, but it all thankfully worked out in the end.

PS: If you show Heat, Eat, Review a picture of your “I Voted Sticker” you could win a $50 gift card to your favorite food store. I don’t know about you, but I could certainly use a little extra help with that whole grocery bill thing. Neato!

On the Way to Bainbridge Island

On Thursday, CK and I took the ferry over to Bainbridge Island. I channeled my inner Meredith Grey while sipping an amazing White Mocha and getting a huge kick out of checking our location on the iPhone GPS. Look guys! We’re surrounded by water. Please ignore the fact that I am in desperate need of a manicure.  Unfortunately, shortly after my shiny happy ferry ride began a seagull went to the bathroom on my head. Best of all? I didn’t notice it until we got to the restaurant we were having lunch at. Birds are evil.

So Happy in Seattle!

Look! I actually smiled. This is pretty much how I felt in Seattle every day. I can’t remember the last time I was outside in the fresh air for so long. We walked everywhere. It was so awesome to not be stuffed on the T or trapped in my windowless office. PS: like my new glasses?

The View From Our Hotel

This was the view from our hotel room on the 17th floor of the Westin. There are about a million floors in this circular hotel, including those that featured water views, but I think our view was pretty fabulous anyway. We were told by quite a few people not to stay at The Westin, but Chris and I actually got an amazing “name your price” deal on priceline.com so we threw caution to the wind.

In the end the beds were super comfortable, the rooms were very clean, and the location was perfect for all of our toursity whims. Our only complaint was that there wasn’t free in-room wireless access and the wired connection in our room didn’t work at all. Thankfully Chris’s co-worker let us use his laptop cell phone card (Chris says it’s called an EVDO card) so we weren’t completely internet deprived. In addition, there was free wireless access in the lobby of the Westin. So in the afternoons we usually went downstairs, had a few drinks, and caught up on emails and our respective Google Reader addictions.